Entries by Todd Steiner

Trident – Interesting Client Project – Vendor On-Boarding

Bringing a new vendor into your organization requires a series of activities.  Most companies have a checklist of items they require (NDA, W-9, Certificate of Insurance…) before they can do business together.  The process is manual and prone to errors or incomplete documentation.  We thought it should be easier and made it as simple as […]

Trident – Interesting Client Projects

Over the past 10+ years, Trident’s end-to-end contract management offering has helped hundreds of clients solve internal vendor/contract management challenges.  A majority of these projects have focused on centralizing information and allowing technology to help them proactively manage their internal processes.  That is still the core of our business but there have been so many […]

Vendor/Contract Management – The Underrated Value of Simple

Perhaps my favorite thing about working at Trident is helping clients of all sizes and across all industries try and tackle an age-old issue – vendor/contract management.  Although the stories of prior failed attempts by our clients are vastly different in range and scope, they are all remarkably common in one area – they all […]

Contract Management – It’s Personal (and should be)

After 10+ years of helping our clients with their contract management efforts it still amazes me how personal contract management is to each organization and each stakeholder. Even the term “contract management” is personal. It can mean notification reminders and reports, document management, asset management, metadata management (all the details about the contract), process management, […]