Trident Contract Management Blog


Author Archives: Temple Sutfin

Does work keep getting in the way of getting your work done?

Posted on by Temple Sutfin

Temple’s Trivia:  It’s Friday afternoon, and Boss #12 comes to your office wanting to know the status of that report…  And did you take care of this contract with the customer from that company?  Do you: Explain that you sent that information out last week and you’re still waiting for responses from several key respondents. Say, “I was just finishing an email to you […]

Biting the Binary Tongue

Posted on by Temple Sutfin

“Temple, why not write a blog for Trident?” They said. “Anything in particular you would like me to write about?” I asked. “Whatever you would like.” They replied. Where do I start? Naturally, when a solution eludes me, I turn to the foremost authority on the universe and its mysterious workings. Yep, I “Googled” it. It turns out […]

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